A comprehensive resource for safe and responsible laser use
Jail: 37-48 months
US: 4 years in jail + 3 more years probation for Houston man
Brian Aldana, 20
Houston, Texas, US
On June 23 2018, Texas Department of Public Safety (DPS) agents were flying an Airbus AS350 B3 helicopter on routine law enforcement patrol. At approximately 9:00 p.m., they were headed in the northwest direction along highway US-290 when agents observed a flash of green light coming from the left side of the aircraft. At the time, they were at approximately 1000 feet elevation and traveling at a speed of 70-80 knots.
The pilot reversed the aircraft back to the southeast direction and was illuminated again by the green laser, which was powerful enough to light up the entire cockpit. The light caused a glare in the pilot’s eyes and obstructed his vision, forcing him to turn his head and maneuver the Airbus away from it. The pilot also had to close and shield his eyes from the flashing green laser inside the cockpit.
The investigation led to the source of the light at a business near the intersection of Hollister and Pitner Roads in Houston. With the help of the Houston Police Department (HPD) and the store’s security cameras, Brian Aldana was soon identified.
Video recordings show Aldana aiming a green laser up in the sky several times and a green laser pointer at the helicopter while sitting in a chair next to a silver sedan. He was also seen placing the green laser device through the opening of the silver sedan window on to the backseat.
Officers seized the laser and submitted it to a National Aeronautics and Space Administration scientist to be examined. The scientist concluded the laser pointer is a Class IIIB laser system and produced a “laser beam” which could result in serious and possibly permanent retinal damage.
In April 2019, Aldana pleaded guilty to aiming a laser pointer at an aircraft. He faced up to five years in prison and a possible $250,000 maximum fine.
On July 22 2019, Aldana was sentenced to 48 months in prison, and will have an additional three years of supervised release after he is released from prison.
From a LaserPointerSafety.com story and update.
Houston, Texas, US
On June 23 2018, Texas Department of Public Safety (DPS) agents were flying an Airbus AS350 B3 helicopter on routine law enforcement patrol. At approximately 9:00 p.m., they were headed in the northwest direction along highway US-290 when agents observed a flash of green light coming from the left side of the aircraft. At the time, they were at approximately 1000 feet elevation and traveling at a speed of 70-80 knots.
The pilot reversed the aircraft back to the southeast direction and was illuminated again by the green laser, which was powerful enough to light up the entire cockpit. The light caused a glare in the pilot’s eyes and obstructed his vision, forcing him to turn his head and maneuver the Airbus away from it. The pilot also had to close and shield his eyes from the flashing green laser inside the cockpit.
The investigation led to the source of the light at a business near the intersection of Hollister and Pitner Roads in Houston. With the help of the Houston Police Department (HPD) and the store’s security cameras, Brian Aldana was soon identified.
Video recordings show Aldana aiming a green laser up in the sky several times and a green laser pointer at the helicopter while sitting in a chair next to a silver sedan. He was also seen placing the green laser device through the opening of the silver sedan window on to the backseat.
Officers seized the laser and submitted it to a National Aeronautics and Space Administration scientist to be examined. The scientist concluded the laser pointer is a Class IIIB laser system and produced a “laser beam” which could result in serious and possibly permanent retinal damage.
In April 2019, Aldana pleaded guilty to aiming a laser pointer at an aircraft. He faced up to five years in prison and a possible $250,000 maximum fine.
On July 22 2019, Aldana was sentenced to 48 months in prison, and will have an additional three years of supervised release after he is released from prison.
From a LaserPointerSafety.com story and update.
US: 37 months for aiming a laser at two news helicopters while stopped in traffic
04 Nov 2014 -- Categories: Jail/Prison | Sex: Male
Damien Wade Conley, 33
Chesnee, South Carolina, US
Conley was sentenced to 37 months in federal prison on November 4 2014. On November 20 2013, he pointed a laser at two news helicopters that were covering an accident; Conley was stuck in traffic at the time.
Chesnee, South Carolina, US
Conley was sentenced to 37 months in federal prison on November 4 2014. On November 20 2013, he pointed a laser at two news helicopters that were covering an accident; Conley was stuck in traffic at the time.
US: 37 months in prison, 3 years probation
Baltazar O. Valladares, 30
Roseville, California, US

On March 16 2009, Valladares aimed a green laser at a sheriff's helicopter searching for the person who earlier illuminated a commercial airplane. Valladares pleaded guilty in June 2009 to interfering with the safe operation of the helicopter, but denied illuminating the airplane. He was sentenced to 37 months in prison, plus three years of probation, in October 2009.
Roseville, California, US

On March 16 2009, Valladares aimed a green laser at a sheriff's helicopter searching for the person who earlier illuminated a commercial airplane. Valladares pleaded guilty in June 2009 to interfering with the safe operation of the helicopter, but denied illuminating the airplane. He was sentenced to 37 months in prison, plus three years of probation, in October 2009.
US: 4 years in prison
22 Jan 2010 -- Categories: Jail/Prison | Sex: Male
Jamie Allen Downie, 35
Rocklin, California, US

In July 2009, Downie aimed a laser at a sheriff's helicopter. He pleaded guilty to two felony counts of discharging a laser at an aircraft. Downie was sentenced January 22 2010.
Rocklin, California, US

In July 2009, Downie aimed a laser at a sheriff's helicopter. He pleaded guilty to two felony counts of discharging a laser at an aircraft. Downie was sentenced January 22 2010.