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US: Arrest for pointing laser and flashlight at police helicopter
16 Mar 2010 -- Categories: Aviation incidents | Arrests
A 47-year-old Springfield, Virginia man was charged with pointing a laser and a flashlight at a police helicopter. The incident happened on February 12, when helicopter crew members searching for a suspect in an unrelated case had their vision “blocked” by a green laser and a white light.
Police located the house where the lights were coming from. On March 4 they arrested Raymond Jeffrey Poli. He was charged on March 16 with interfering with the operation of an aircraft, endangering life, and obstruction of justice.
From MyFoxDC.com
Police located the house where the lights were coming from. On March 4 they arrested Raymond Jeffrey Poli. He was charged on March 16 with interfering with the operation of an aircraft, endangering life, and obstruction of justice.
From MyFoxDC.com